Rising food and fuel prices, falling interest rates and screeching declines in global stock markets have retirees paring spending to levels some haven't seen in decades.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
As economy tumbles, retirees scramble to cope
Obama Could WIn New York City!
A WNBC/Marist poll released last week found that although Mrs. Clinton had a 47% to 31% lead over Mr. Obama among likely New York State voters, he was far closer in New York City, drawing 39% of likely voters versus 43% for Senator Clinton. In recent weeks, Mr. Obama's support has been surging among black voters, a demographic he won 4 to 1 in SC.
Fund managers: Keep cool in volatile market
Stock markets are likely to remain volatile for some time dogged by persistent worries about a U.S. recession and the credit crunch, fund managers said on Wednesday, with Fidelity advising investors to keep their cool.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Where tax savings are: Detailing deductions
With the start of the new tax year, the hunt for tax-lowering deductions and credits is officially on. But new opportunities are scarcer this year.
10 Tips: Fix credit-report errors
Have you ever been horrified to discover errors on your credit report? Such inaccuracies can and should strike fear into any conscientious consumer’s heart. Here are some helpful tips.
China concerns delay HK trade by mainlanders (FT.com)
FT.com - China's worries over the subprime debacle are contributing to delays in allowing individual mainland citizens to buy shares on the Hong Kong stock market, the head of the self-governing territory's central bank said on Tuesday.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Interview with Romney, reporter decides who to vote for
This reporter has had enough with the lies of Candidate, and decides after an interview in which Romney laughed at his opponents just who to vote for.
Do You Want to Recession-Proof Your Career?
Nightline is looking for people who want to weather a turbulent economy.
Debt Consolidation and You...
Being in debt is one of the most terrible feelings you can experience. It takes away your pride, and any hopes of feeling free. Debt has consumed our nation like none other, and shows no signs of stopping. The greedy are getting their money at a record pace, and it doesnt seem like they care to do much more about it then collect money at any cost. Most of the blame can be carried over to the government, which is coaxed into doing the financial institutions bidding, and being wined and dined by lobbyists alike.
debt counseling, debt consolidation, finance, credit, loans, financial freedom, finance guide, business loans
Clinton said Friday — just four days before Florida's primary — that she wants the convention delegates from Florida and Michigan reinstated. The National Democratic Party eliminated all the delegates from those states because they broke party rules by holding their primaries before Feb. 5. Democrats agreed not to campaign there.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Victoria's Secret, Super Bowl Resume Affair
Lingerie chain to run ads during Super Bowl for first time since '99.
Embattled Palm will Close All But One Retail Store (NewsFactor)
NewsFactor - Caught in a fierce competitive market populated by BlackBerries, iPhones and other innovative devices, Palm announced this weekend that it will close most of its retail stores.
URGENT: Oppose Telecom Immunity and Contact Your Senator
As early as Monday, the Administration and its allies are trying to end Senate debate on FISA and telecom immunity and force a vote on the Senate Intelligence Committee's bill-a bill that would broadly expand the executive branch's spying powers while granting immunity to telecoms that broke the law and assisted in the NSA's illegal domestic spying
Sunday, January 27, 2008
New Hampshire Primary - Breakdown of chain of custody
They decided NOT to put the ballots in the vault and the "Seal" does NOT seal the box. Smoke and mirrors in New Hampshire recount.Our tax dollars pay these people to gaurd them don't they?
How Will You Spend Your Rebate?
From shoes to savings, some already know how they'll use government refunds.
Yahoo in Crisis: Stuck in 90s Internet Era
Columnist Michael Malone looks at how the tech giant missed the boat.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Recession 2008: How bad it can get
Many economists are predicting a short, shallow recession. But there's also a significant risk of a more serious economic decline.
Home Depot to slow store growth this year-analyst (Reuters)
Anonymous - Second address to Scientology
Anonymous does not wish to destroy the lives of Scientologists - but rather save them from the slavery of Scientologist brainwashing techniques. This war is not about religious persecution - but rather the abolishment of a tax-exempt and vicious business. Make up your own mind.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Chomsky on World Ownership
Noam Chomsky is a noted linguist, author, and foreign policy expert. On January 15, Michael Shank interviewed him on the latest developments in U.S. policy toward Iraq, Iran, and Pakistan. In the first part of this two-part interview, Chomsky also discussed how the U.S. government’s belief in its ownership of the world shapes its foreign policy.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Says Obama is No Rookie
Abdul-Jabbar said he doesn't fault Magic Johnson for his endorsement. "Mrs. Clinton is not a bad choice, I just think Mr. Obama is the best choice."But he noted, "Unfortunately, Mrs. Clinton has been at many times a divisive figure, and I don't think that's intentional on her part, but I do think that's the case."
Market Woes: Should You Stick It Out?
The easy advice is the best advice: don't panic. Rash decisions could backfire.
42 Reasons We Won't Miss President Bush [QUOTES and PICS]
Would you believe it’s possible to narrow the reasons we won’t miss Bush down to 42? No, but it’s a start. We all know the penalty for forgetting history - after all, we’ve been through two Bushes! Here's to the next four years of anything but Bush:
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Live on Camera - News Crew attacked by Palestinian Snipers
A must see movie - a short while after Palestinian snipers shot dead a volunteer from Ecuador, the news team covering the incident became the next target. The camera caught it all - the fear, the uncertainty, knowing your life can end with the next bullet.
ABC News Calls Out Clintons for Consistent Lies about Obama
The ease with which a former President and former First Lady of the United States of America lie to the American people should disturb us. An ABC News reporter reviews the lies the Clintons have told voters recently about Senator Barack Obama.
Barack Obama's Speech at Ebenezer, MLK's Church (Video)
The whole video, including a link to the text version.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Rich Enough to Own the Universe
Dubai's state development arm pushes forward with yet another luxe coastal plan.
What happens when greed runs rampant?
Being Christmas time, many readers turn to thoughts of good will.? But what happens if a society is guided by greed??The Answer Desk by msnbc.com's John W. Schoen.
The Fraud of Bushenomics: They’re Looting the Country
The voodoo economics the Bushies have sold America obscure their systematic fleecing of the nation's public wealth.
Monday, January 21, 2008
IRS: You may have to wait for your tax refund
More than 3 million people will have to wait until February to get their tax refunds because of Congress' late fix to the alternative minimum tax, the IRS said Thursday.
Watchdog: Congress causes biggest tax problem
End-of-year congressional votes to change the tax code have created havoc for the Internal Revenue Service and top the list of problems bedeviling taxpayers, according to an annual report released Wednesday.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Scientology and Me by BBC's Panorama
First of three parts, other two are in the related videos. It's an interesting documentary about Scientology in the UK.
Money tips for cash-strapped retirees
More and more retirees are struggling to make ends meet in their golden years, in large part because they’re being walloped by the effects of inflation.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
The country is bankrupt
In a remarkable paper posted by the Federal Reserve of St. Louis, and authored by a Boston University teacher named Prof Kotlikoff, it is revealed in blunt, powerful language that the era of borrowing and spending without consequence may soon come to a close. The paper, entitled, Is the United States Bankrupt?, may not remain posted for very long..
Bush's Legacy Must Not be Passed to the Next U.S President
President Bush is discussing a new agreement with Baghdad that would govern the deployment of American troops in Iraq. With so many Americans adamant about bringing our forces home as soon as possible, Bush must not be allowed to tie the hands of his successor and ensure the country’s continued involvement in an open-ended war.
Taxpayers getting more privacy with new rule
The final rules issued by the IRS on Thursday require tax preparers to get informed consent before disclosing tax information to third parties or using it for non-return purposes.
Friday, January 18, 2008
BREAKING: BA flight lands short of runway
It is not clear if anyone has been injured during the incident. Emergency services are currently at the scene. The incident happened as Prime Minister Gordon Brown was due to leave Heathrow for China and India. His flight was delayed because of the incident.
Is it Genocide Yet? 2,000,000 Iraqis Have Died Since 2003
So far two million innocent Iraqis have died because of years of sanctions and the 2003 Iraq War.
Canada puts U.S., Israel on torture watchlist
Canada's foreign ministry has put the United States and Israel on a watch list of countries where prisoners risk being tortured and also classifies some U.S. interrogation techniques as torture, according to a document obtained by Reuters on Thursday.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Taxman giveth this holiday season
Just in time for Christmas, Oregon taxpayers have gotten some extra spending money from an unlikely Santa Claus: their state government.
Pull Over: Worst States for Speeding
Even a first offense can bring a four-digit fine in some parts of the country.
Forget oil, the new global crisis is food
A new crisis is emerging, a global food catastrophe that will reach further and be more crippling than anything the world has ever seen.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
European stocks lower on growth fears (FT.com)
FT.com - European equity markets closed off session lows on Wednesday, but small gains in the US during morning trade were not enough to take them higher.
Planning for Your Company's Future
Ensure that your company is headed in the right direction with these few steps.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Samsung Group Headquarters Raided
Investigators raid Samsung Group headquarters in corruption probe.
Soft retail sales may signal recession (Reuters)
Reuters - Retail sales fell unexpectedly in
December to close out the weakest year at the cash register
since 2002, data showed on Tuesday, the strongest signal yet
that the economy may be sliding into recession under the weight
of a housing and credit crisis.
Citi writes off $18 billion, Merrill gets capital (Reuters)
Reuters - Citigroup wrote off a colossal $18.1
billion on Tuesday and secured new capital as Merrill Lynch,
also seen heading for big losses due to the U.S. subprime
mortgage meltdown, announced a $6.6 billion shot in the arm.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Late payments on consumer loans climb
Late payments on consumer loans, including those for autos, home improvement and certain home equity loans, have hit their highest point since the last U.S. recession.
Texas judge rules in favor of strip-club tax
A judge has denied a request from owners of nude entertainment clubs to temporarily block Texas' upcoming $5-per-person strip club fee from taking effect.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Audit: 308,000 barrels missing from Petroleum Reserve
How do you not notice when 308,000 barrels of oil go missing? That's the question government auditors were asking after they looked into the Department of Energy's management of oil received for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
Your money is no good at the Taj Mahal
In yet another troubling sign for the greenback, at least one of the seven wonders of the world is now off limits if you have only U.S. currency in your pocket.
School Inc. front page
Although Uncle Sam might not usually be included in your holiday plans, wrapping up a few simple financial tasks before the end of the year can help carry the joy of the season all the way through April 15. ?Financial Editor Jean Chatzky shares practical advice on how to prepare your accounts for the new year.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Fox News Caught Rigging Their Focus Groups [VIDEO]
Wow, I don't think we all had intended to make today about Fox. But damn, if they don't provide the material.
The Victorian Holocaust: how come no one knows about it?
The Victorian Holocaust: Hitler and Stalin were rank amateurs compared to the British Empire. So how come no one knows about it?As the peasants began to starve, officials were ordered "to discourage relief works in every possible way". The Anti-Charitable Contributions Act of 1877 prohibited "at the pain of imprisonment private relief donations
Mayhem and Madness in a Shot Glass
Absinthe spurred Van Gogh to remove ear; now liquor is in a store near you.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Still M.I.A.: Millions of White House Emails
Last spring it was revealed that a "technical issue" had caused between five and ten million internal Bush administration emails to disappear—and the White House doesn't seem like it's in a very big hurry to find them.
Smart ways to trim your year-end tax bill
Although Uncle Sam might not usually be included in your holiday plans, wrapping up a few simple financial tasks before the end of the year can help carry the joy of the season all the way through April 15. ?Financial Editor Jean Chatzky shares practical advice on how to prepare your accounts for the new year.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Alternative minimum tax growth blocked
Congress acted in its final hours Wednesday to block growth of the alternative minimum tax, putting off an economic hardship affecting more than 20 million taxpayers.
Culinary Workers' Union Endorse Barack Obama
The union, which boasts a membership of more than 60,000, is seen as a key endorsement in Nevada, a state where there are less than 500,000 registered Democrats in the whole state and certainly not all come out for caucuses.
10 Tips front page
Although Uncle Sam might not usually be included in your holiday plans, wrapping up a few simple financial tasks before the end of the year can help carry the joy of the season all the way through April 15. ?Financial Editor Jean Chatzky shares practical advice on how to prepare your accounts for the new year.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Nearly 90,000 Mortgage Jobs Eliminated in 2007
More than 86,000 mortgage jobs were cut in 2007 because of the weakening real estate market, according to a new report released Monday. Countrywide shed the most jobs in the mortgage disaster; California was hit the hardest; more cuts expected.
Answer Desk front page
Although Uncle Sam might not usually be included in your holiday plans, wrapping up a few simple financial tasks before the end of the year can help carry the joy of the season all the way through April 15. ?Financial Editor Jean Chatzky shares practical advice on how to prepare your accounts for the new year.
video of Iranian small boats harrasing U.S. Warships
here's to the well trained Sailors who waited for the order to fire. It takes a hell of alot of self control to see a boat coming at your ship at a high rate of speed and not fire on him before he lets loose on you.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Market sinks as AT&T stirs recession fear (Reuters)
Fox News focus groups never change [PIC]
All the major newspapers refused to print Wexler, Gutierrez, and Tammy Baldwin’s impeachment op-ed recently so it’s surprising to see The Washington Post finally allow an argument to be made for just that on their sacred pages: “Why I Believe Bush Must Go: Nixon Was Bad. These Guys Are Worse.” The Village elders will be most upset.
Oil recovers after 3-day fall (Reuters)
Monday, January 7, 2008
Liberals: This Is How You Roll When On FOXNews
By now many of you have heard about Bill O’Reilly’s meltdown at a Barack Obama event in New Hampshire Saturday and on Sunday, The Huffington Post’s Roy Sekoff went on FOXNews to discuss the blogs’ coverage of the primaries — as the topic turned to BillO, Sekoff gave a textbook example of how all liberals should act when on FOX.
McCain: I would have started Iraq war regardless of WMD
(w/video) When Russert asked him if, like Bush, McCain would have supported the Iraq war even if no weapons of mass destruction were believed present in Iraq, McCain seemed to dismiss the question as irrelevant.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Unemployment up, stoking recession fears (AP)
Boys Behaving Badly: Romney & Huckabee's Final Bout
In the final hours before the Iowa caucuses, the top two Republican candidates continued their verbal slugfest by trading accusations of foul play, which could sour an electorate that says it abhors negative campaigning and slime-ball politicking.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Time to Fix or Trash Your Appliances?
Elisabeth Leamy's tips about what to do with your aging appliances.
Giuliani Keeps Campaign Focus on Terror Terror Terror
With the political world focused on Iowa, Rudolph W. Giuliani released a graphic new television advertisement Wednesday in which scenes of Osama bin Laden firing a rifle segue to the smoking wreckage of the World Trade Center. Tune into Fox News for Rudy's latest Ad Copy featuring more Death, Murder, Madness, Chaos and Mannequins.
IRS may restrict tax-refund loans
Friday, January 4, 2008
Retail sector hit hard by job cuts (AP)
AP - Employees at car dealerships, furniture stores, gas stations and clothing retailers were among the hardest hit by job losses in December, when unemployment climbed to a two-year high.
Take that New Year’s resolution to the bank
Want to save money or boost your earnings in the coming year? TODAY Financial editor Jean Chatzky shares tips on how to get your finances into shape for 2008.
Truckers Push for Uniform Idling Laws
Interstate truckers say it is difficult to follow the hodgepodge of state laws.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
couple banned from shopping center for photoing grandkids
for taking a photoraph of their grandkids in a shopping center the security "police" have banned them for life. sure this happened in the UK, but "authorities" here in the US want to play the same way, this is totally outrageous!
London's FTSE-100 index down 12 points (AP)
AP - Share prices on the London Stock Exchange were lower at midday Thursday.
Police Pepper-Spraying Inmate's Genital Area
Three Los Angeles Sheriff Department deputies are suspended (or, paid leave, that is) as a criminal investigation is opened into accusations from an inmate saying that he was isolated by them, punched and pepper-sprayed in the anus and scrotum area.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Huckabee on Gays and women’s rights: it's not pretty
Huck digs himself a hole and keeps on digging. It's pretty clear that he is a sincere evangelical. But that is not necessarily a recommendation. Here he disputes the notion that being gay is a pre-disposition and also supports the idea that abortion is wrong because all human life (apparently, from conception on) is equally valuable.
10 Tips: Happy returns after the holidays
Want to return an unwanted gift? If you attempt to return stuff this year, these tips can help you play the returns game successfully or decide in advance to avoid the game altogether.
Britain Drops 'War on Terror' Label
The words "war on terror" will no longer be used by the British government to describe attacks on the public, the country's chief prosecutor said Dec. 27.Sir Ken Macdonald said terrorist fanatics were not soldiers fighting a war but simply members of an aimless "death cult."
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Homeland Insecurity
The Homeland Security Dept.'s over reliance on outside contractors and insufficient management of them could leave the U.S. vulnerable
Don't Tell Bill: Hillary Says He Won't Have a Policy Role
If she makes it to the White House, Sen. Hillary Clinton said today her husband will take on the same responsibilities as traditional presidential spouses, with no access to National Security Council meetings.
The Must-See Top Ads of 2007
Geico's cavemen, an amateur Doritos ad and Dove soap all make this year's list.
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